Too Tired to Think!

Have you ever had one (or more….maybe many!) of those days where by the end of it you just want to ‘blob off’? And literally, quite literally, do NOTHING but be a vegetable!

Today has been one of those days!

I always get up early as a rule, between 4.30am and 5.30am. I don’t set an alarm so it varies somewhat.

I then let the dogs out, make a cup of coffee and get back into bed (its quite cold here in the Kzn Midlands in the mornings so bed is cozy) and I then go through my morning ritual of meditating for 20 minutes, going over my gratitudes and affirmations, goals etc, reading for 30 minutes and then planning my day.

But this morning was different……..

I had to meet someone at 6.20am to collect a parcel of containers for an urgent order. This meant leaving home before 6am. By the time I got back it was already long after 7am.

Because of this I didn’t get to follow my usual routine…..

And I feel like my day has been out of sync since then. I’ve felt very unsettled.

It just goes to show how important our routines are to us and to our well being. (We’re talking good, healthy routines of course!)

Do you have a daily routine or ritual that helps to keep you in ‘flow’?

What do you do and how do you feel that it helps you?

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