For many years now I have turned to essential oils, herbs and other plants for healing and minor ailments. My grounding for this was originally based in aromatherapy but, over the years, I have learnt much about the healing, and health properties of plants and this too has become a passion.
That being said I would like to mention a few essential oils that I would never be without. But first a bit of information about essential oils in general….
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that “the way to health is to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage every day” As far back as the fourth century BC he recognised that burning certain aromatic substances offered protection against contagious diseases…and this is a method we can adapt and adopt for the same reason today… but with the advantage of specific scientific information about the anti-bacterial, anti-viral and other healing properties of particular aromatic oils.
There are about three hundred essential oils in use today by professional practitioners, but the average household could fulfill all its likely needs with about ten of them.
Anyone who has ever used essential oils cannot help but admire their ability to work effectively, not only on a cellular and physical level, but also on the emotional areas of our lives as well. The reason for this is because essential oils work on the body as a whole, in harmony with the body and in a non-invasive way. The delivery system of essential oils to the body are also highly effective, as they can be absorbed through the skin, via massage or in baths… or by inhalation in a variety of methods.
Essential oils are greatly underrated as they can be used to help prevent illness as well as alleviate symptoms. To me they are one of the greatest resources we have available to us.
And so…. on to my ‘essential’ essential oils:
1. Lavender.
Lavender essential oil is an amazing ‘all rounder’ being antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-depressant and a detoxifier. It is also a calming oil and excellent for inducing sleep. Lavender is one of only a few oils that are gentle enough to be used on babies from birth (the others are Chamomile Roman, Chamomile German, Yarrow and Dill although I stick to Lavender and Chamomile). It has the power to heal burns, will alleviate a headache and is one of the few essential oils that can be used on open wounds. It is wonderful for cleaning cuts and grazes as it contributes to the healing process by stimulating the cells of a wound to regenerate more quickly. It is an effective mood tonic and has been effectively used to help deal with the psychological shock of injury. I always take a bottle of lavender with me when I travel anywhere because of its versatility. If you can only have one essential oil on hand this, in my opinion, would be it!
2. Tea Tree.
Tea Tree has become one of the most familiar essential oils today . The Tea Tree is an indigenous Australian tree that has been used by the Aborigines for centuries in their medications and has, in recent years, been the subject of a great deal of international scientific research.
The antiseptic action of tea tree is said to be one hundred times more powerful than carbolic acid.* and yet…. tea tree is non poisonous to humans! Tea tree is also antiviral, antibacterial plus anti-fungal and is used in a multitude of over the counter treatments for infections such as candida, ringworm, athletes foot as well as for sunburn, acne and toothache. As you can see, tea tree essential oil is a very good general purpose oil which can also be used undiluted on an open wound. It is particularly good for treating burns, with many ‘over the counter’ burn treatments consisting of primarily tea tree oil in a gel base.
*(Carbolic Acid or Phenol, is an alcohol which is used as a disinfectant because it controls the growth of microorganisms but it requires careful handling because it is a toxin and can cause chemical burns)
3. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus was originally distilled to be used as a treatment for chest problems and colic. This is a marvelously versatile oil which helps to cool the body in summer and protect it in the winter. It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibiotic, diuretic, analgesic and deodorising. Recent research has shown that it has anti-viral properties as well. It is probably best known for its effectiveness against coughs and colds but it is equally effective in treating cystitis, candida, and sunburn as well as being and effective insect repellent. It is wonderful added to a 100% natural liquid soap which can then be used as a anti-bacterial hand wash or for cleaning counters and bathrooms.
4. Rosemary
Not only is this an amazing herb to have in the garden and I do use it quite a lot in cooking (I love making olive oil, garlic and rosemary focaccia) but the essential oil is amazing too. It is both a physical and mental stimulant which makes it a good oil to use in your morning bath but it is also excellent for treating tired muscles which makes it equally good to use at night after a hard days work or after exercising. It is an antiseptic oil that is widely used to treat muscular sprains, arthritis, rheumatism, depression, fatigue, migraines, general headaches, flu and coughs. It is a wonderful stimulant for your hair and useful in cellulite treatments. I use it in a massage oil that works amazingly well on over-used, strained muscles.
5. Rose Geranium
I would have to say that from an aromatic point of view this is my favourite essential oil. It smells so wonderful and it always uplifting. This is my ‘go to’ oil when I feel I need a boost. When used in skin care blends it gives the skin a radiant glow. It is very effective for menopausal problems, blood disorders, throat infections and as a nerve tonic. It also works well as a sedative plus has antiseptic and astringent properties.
Well those are my top five essential oils that I always have on hand. I do have quite an extensive collection of other essential oils that I use for making many different treatments. The most popular (that friends and family are always requesting) are a mouth ulcer mix that works like a bomb, a cold and flu prevention blend (that some people swear keeps them healthy all winter long), a lip balm made with beeswax that is just amazing and a warming, soothing muscle rub that always eases sore, achy muscles.
Do you have any favourite essential oils? What is your favourite way of using essential oils?